Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 5: Movies

"Is this real life?" I found myself asking this question after watching my favorite movie of 2010. "Fast-paced," "action-packed," and "mind-blowing" may be a few words to describe Inception. I first watched this movie in the theaters, but since then I have watched it on television, DVD, and the Internet, due to the complexity of the story-line. However, this movie is wonderful because it is not the average, predictable action movie. Inception has you thinking and guessing throughout the entire movie, and even after you finish watching the movie.

As a young girl, I was entranced by the timeless tale of Cinderella getting her prince-charming. My favorite movie of all time is Cinderella by Rodgers and Hammerstein. I can still remember first watching this movie on VHS in my living room, and falling in love with the corky melodies and characters. To this day, I am still in love with Roger and Hammerstein's unique musical take on Cinderella. I, too, am still waiting for my "prince-charming"!

1 comment:

  1. I had not heard of this version of Cinderella. Looks good.
